To help businesses use technology to achieve their objectives and maintain their competitiveness, our company provides a wide range of IT consulting services.

  • Our team of IT consultants has a great deal of expertise in a range of fields, including manufacturing, healthcare, and finance
  • We collaborate closely with our clients to comprehend their particular needs and create solutions that are unique to their problems.

Our business is dedicated to offering top-notch IT consulting services that aid businesses in achieving their objectives and staying on the forefront. To find out more about how we can support your company, get in touch with us today.


We are aware that identifying the best talent for your IT department can be challenging, particularly given the fierce competition for jobs in this market. We are here to relieve you of that burden and assist you in assembling a group of knowledgeable and capable individuals.

  • Our team of IT staffing specialists is committed to comprehending your company's needs and selecting the most qualified candidates with the knowledge and experience to fulfil those needs.
  • We have the resources and know-how to put you in touch with the appropriate people whether you're looking for a full-time employee, a contractor, or a temporary employee.
  • To make sure that all applicants live up to our high expectations for excellence, we have a rigorous screening procedure in place.

Look no further than our business if you're looking to assemble a potent and skilled IT team. Get in touch with us right away to find out more about our IT staffing services and how we can support your company's goals.


Our ERP software is designed to help organizations streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Our ERP system has modules for finance and accounting, human resources, supply chain management, inventory management, and more.

  • Businesses can easily manage their daily operations, automate tasks, and have real-time access to data thanks to the integration of all these features into a single system.
  • Our ERP software is adaptable and scalable, enabling businesses to customise the framework to meet their unique requirements.

Our ERP software can be tailored to meet your specific needs and assist you in achieving your business objectives, whether you run a small business or a large corporation.


Surge Group has successfully developed a 12 step recruiting methodology that commands quality.Surge Group places professionals in IT, Executive, Accounting & Finance, Engineering, Human Resources, Medical Devices, and Administrative across and array of industries.

  • Our recruiters take the time in the beginning to understand what your career objectives are and work with you to help you meet those by presenting you to the right companies.
  • We work with you in strict confidence understanding that your success is our success. With our continued presence in the permanent placement arena we have long standing client relationships allowing us to be aware of the positions you don’t see.
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As job seeker we understand looking for your next opportunity is a major decision. That’s why Surge Group recruiters spend time getting to know you. We provide you with our professional assistance through the entire search, interview and hiring process. This includes resume critiquing, interviewing tips and offer consultation. Reach out to us to discuss how you can put Surge Group to work to meet your current goals.


Check our Features


Our team of IT consultants has a great deal of expertise in a range of fields, including manufacturing, healthcare, and finance. We collaborate closely with our clients to comprehend their particular needs and create solutions that are unique to their problems.


Our team of IT staffing specialists is committed to comprehending your company's needs and selecting the most qualified candidates with the knowledge and experience to fulfil those needs. We have the resources and know-how to put you in touch with the appropriate people whether you're looking for a full-time employee, a contractor, or a temporary employee.

ERP Planning

Our ERP system has modules for finance and accounting, human resources, supply chain management, inventory management, and more. Businesses can easily manage their daily operations, automate tasks, and have real-time access to data thanks to the integration of all these features into a single system.


Our recruiters take the time in the beginning to understand what your career objectives are and work with you to help you meet those by presenting you to the right companies. We work with you in strict confidence understanding that your success is our success. With our continued presence in the permanent placement arena we have long standing client relationships allowing us to be aware of the positions you don’t see.

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